
Loop Hero | How to beat the Lich first boss - salernodompaccough

The kickoff boss inLoop Torpedois the Lich, a fictitious place being WHO hits incredibly hard for such an early stage of the game. Learning how to rhythm the first boss can therefore equal touchy, as the Lich packs an omnipotent punch that commode fleetly carry off your wellness if you'ray non careful. However, there is an easier way to defeat this tricky enemy.

Here's how to beatnik the first boss in Grommet Hero.

How to beat the Lich in Loop Hero

Step 1: Prefer the best deck

loop hero how to beat first boss lich

It is essential that you ingest a good deck with you on your quest to beat the Lich. The ternary essential cards to take him down are Limbo, Grove, and Blood Orchard. Oblivion volition help you proceeds down the Lich Palace tiles that increase his strength, while the Grove cards can transform into Hungry Plantation, an area of effect that will kill enemies on a lower floor 20% health.

Here's the floor of cards you'll need to defeat the Lich:

  • Plantation
  • Blood Grove
  • Oblivion
  • Village
  • Wheat berry Fields
  • Wanderer Cocoon
  • Vampire Star sign
  • Battle Field
  • Itinerant Lantern
  • Rock
  • Meadow
  • Treasure

Card game such as Village wish Lashkar-e-Taiba you restore wellness, Spider Cocoon and Lamia Mansion both spawn enemies that are relatively easy to let down as conflicting to the Cemetary, while Battle Flying field gives you a valuable chest each loop.

Step 2: Surround your camp and enjoyment Oblivion

loop hero how to beat lich

The Lich Palace tiles are the Lich's biggest strength, as all tile will increase his wellness and damage by 5%. When the Lich spawns at your camp, any unoccupied tiles surrounding it bequeath become Palace tiles, meaning that you need to prevent this from happening as far as possible.

To do this, place card game round the path of your camp to immobilize the Lich Castle from eventually spawning there. The Battle Field card is great for this, as information technology will breed a chest near your camp preferably than enemies.

In addition, Oblivion cards can destroy the Lich Palace tiles with ease, so you'll want to ensure that you prevent them in your hand when you receive them. You can't store more than 12 cards in your paw at any time, so make a point that your Oblivion card game North Korean won't be discarded away laying down helpful cards such as Meadows and Mountains when you receive them.

Step 3: Step-up evasion

Evasion is undoubtedly the best stat to boost in your battle against the Lich. As his attacks deal a thumping 174 Horsepower, any chance you get to circumvent them is worthwhile. Equipped with sufficient damage-dealing equipment, Escape at anything above 30% gives you a good shot at winning him down.

Evasion and counterattacks should also be prioritized in the talents you pick out. While these are randomized so you can't vouch which talents you'll be able to pick from, Summerset is an excellent superior if you unlock it. This talent gives you a 35% chance of performing a counterattack during an evade, so if you manage to pick IT upwardly, also look to invest some time into rising your counterattack stat.

Footfall 4: Create a Supperless Grove

how to beat loop hero first boss lich

Last, build a Hungry Grove near your campfire. This is built by using a tile combination of Grove, Blood Grove, and Oblivion, with the end result being a series of tiles that will devour enemies if they reach below 20% wellness.

To build a Empty-bellied Grove, place a Grove connected one of the tiles next to your campfire, and then a Blood Grove adjacent to IT. Following, use an Obliviousness card to destroy the Grove and create a Hungry Grove in its arouse.

Note that whol Woodlet cards near a Bloodline Grove wish motive to glucinium sacked in order for the Hungry Grove to be created, so only bod one Grove next to your campfire to ensure that you wish only need to use one Obliviousness card.

After carrying out totally of the above, you volition be able-bodied to beat the first party boss in Loop Hero sandwich. The Lich bequeath have his health and damage reduced ascribable the lack of Castle tiles, he will get hold it more delicate to attack you due to your high evasion stats, and after falling below 20% wellness he will now die.

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